Welcome to our section on the Sunshine vitamin.. named D, that’s vitamin D and yes, we would say it’s a pretty big vitamin for salutations...
So, it seems that Vitamin D helps fight off cancer and osteoporosis, it helps improve brain function, regulates the immune system and reduces depression. The main proven benefit of Vitamin D is its role in building strong bones and in the life cycle of human cells.
The thing with evasive vitamin D is that our bodies need it enough that we actually make it ourselves but only after sufficient skin exposure to sunlight. Even in countries where there are lots of sunshine filled days, such as in Mediterranean countries like Greece, many people do not get adequate sunlight exposure. This might be due to how many hours we spend in closed environments and also due to the prevalence of high factor sunscreens.
Recognizing the fact that being overexposed to the sun’s rays and indeed its heat during the sticky, intense summer days isn’t that conducive to feeling great either, here at YogaMe Retreats we build our programmes around the seasons when the heat is warming but not oppressive and our practices at times when we can be kissed by the sun but not over amorously.

Our early morning and late afternoon sunset practices next to the lapping waves, in aromatic gardens or on the pool side deck bring with them the advantages of sunlight, but in a respectful low-key salutation kind of way to bring you your dose of Vitamin Sea.. and make that D as well..